Wararka Warshadaha

Habka saxda ah ee lagu xidho jilitaanka jilicsan ee jillaab

Hadda soo -saareyaal badan ayaa soo iibsaday alaabo isku xidhan oo jilicsan. Laakiin habka saxda ah ee lagu xiro jillaabyada lehjilicsanaanta jilicsanwaxaa laga yaabaa inay madax xanuun u noqoto soo -saareyaal badan. Aan ka hadalno xagga hoose.

1. Marka ay jilicsanaanta jilicsan connection hook wants to save costs, the only way to do this is to remove the connection tool. When there is no connection tool, there is only one way of connecting the flexible sling to hang vertically. When using the jilicsanaanta jilicsan straight knot sleeve to connect the hook, we need to pay attention that the eye diameter of the hook must be larger than the eye diameter of the sling. Because we want to make sure that the jilicsanaanta jilicsan can be used to the fullest when lifting. If the size of the eye of the hook is smaller than the sling, the jilicsanaanta jilicsan will be cut off during lifting. If the lifting sling wants to exert force, it is necessary to ensure that the hook has enough bearing surface.

2. Kujilicsanaanta jilicsanwuxuu isticmaalaa qalab isku xira si wax ku ool ah loogu xiro qabsatooyinka. Hadday tahay wadhaf ama jillaab, waxay kordhin kartaa saamaynteeda. Habka isku-xirnaanta noocan ah waa mid aad u fudud, waxaan u baahannahay oo keliya inaan fiiro gaar ah u yeelano dhowr tan oo suunka qaadista ah oo leh dhowr tan oo xarig ah ama suunka giraanta laba-geesoodka ah, ka dibna isticmaal shackle-ka ama suunka giraanta si aad u xirto jillaab. Xiriirinta noocan ahi waa mid sahlan oo habboon, waxayna u baahan tahay oo keliya in lagu xiro isku cayn. Qiyaasta heerka wadhafka ee wadhafka waa lix jeer, halka jillaabyada iyo silsiladuhu guud ahaan laba jeer ay leexsan yihiin oo afar jeer la jebiyey. Markaa wax is -khilaaf ahi ma jiro.
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